Lip Pigmentation

10 Years Experience in lasers

Lip Pigmentation Treatment
Why choose Us

Best Cosmetic Clinic in Parigi, Vikarabad

Our renowned Aesthetic Clinic provides a warm and welcoming environment for individuals seeking high-quality treatments and personalized care

Our experienced team of specialists, including dermatologists and aestheticians, combine their expertise with the latest developments in aesthetic medicine to provide state-of-the-art treatments. We offer a comprehensive range of treatments, including non-invasive techniques such as laser treatments.

  • Our state-of-the-art facility ensures that safe, comfortable and effective.
  • We believe in having a personalized approach, developing treatment plans based on individual needs.
  • We prioritize safety and ethics, adhere to strict protocols and are regulated and licensed.
  • Our commitment extends beyond treatment, offering post-treatment care services, follow-up appointments and ongoing support.
  • We prioritize safety and ethics, adhere to strict protocols and are regulated and licensed.
  • Schedule your consultation today to begin your transformative beauty journey.

Have any questions? Give a call

+91 9581199456 , +91 9581188456

Amazing Treatments

Experience a range of tremendous remedies at our aesthetic health center, designed to enhance your natural beauty and self assurance.

From superior facial rejuvenation and body contouring to innovative skin care and hair healing answers, our remedies are tailor-made to deal with your specific needs and dreams.

With the cutting-edge technology and a team of professional , we provide safe, effective, and personalised care that will help you appearance and experience your exceptional.

Skin Treatment
Skin Treatments

Skin Cosmetology , Facial Contouring , PMU , Aesthetics Medicine Procedures , lasers and many more..

Hair Treatment
Hair Treatments

Hair Cosmetology , Aesthetics Medicine Procedures , lasers and many more..

Weight Loss Treatment
Weight Inch Loss

Body Framing, Body Toning , Inch Loss and many more..

Korean Glass Treatment
Korean Glass Treatment

Double cleanse , moisturization , Exfoliation and many more..

Medifacial Treatment
Medifacials Treatments

Hydra Facial , Oxygeno Facial , Carbon Facial and many more..

Laser Treatment
Laser Treatments

Lip Pigmentation , Scalp Pigmentation , BB GLow and many more..

Our Doctors



Aesthetician & Cosmetologist

Managing Director

V. Swathi is an esteemed aesthetician and cosmetologist recognised for her expertise in advanced aesthetic methods. As the Medical Director, she leads with precision and compassion, ensuring brilliant care and results for each patient

Dr. V.Narsimulu


Medical Director

V. Narsimulu,as the Managing Director, bringing a wealth of clinical information and enjoy to our medical institution. With his widespread historical past in medicine and aesthetics, he oversees operations with determination and dedication to delivering high-quality care to our clients.

Dr.V Narsimulu
Dr.V Narsimulu



Medical Director

V. Narsimulu,as the Managing Director, bringing a wealth of clinical information and enjoy to our medical institution. With his widespread historical past in medicine and aesthetics, he oversees operations with determination and dedication to delivering high-quality care to our clients.

Our Work

Complete Care on Your Schedule

Make Appointment

Scheduling an appointment at our beauty clinic is easy and convenient. Just call us or visit our website to book your consultation

Our friendly team will help you make the right time for your appointment. Register with us today and receive personalized care and unique treatments tailored to your beauty goals!


Happy Clients